Catalog Number:
#1001902 (16 rxn)
#1001901 (96 rxn)
OnCT Research Panel v1.0, katı tümörlerin analizi ve sıvı biyopsi için tasarlanmış kompakt bir paneldir. Bu panel, seçilmiş bölgeleri kapsayan toplam 69 geni kapsamaktadır. Optimize edilmiş bir prob tasarımı ile bu panel, hem FFPE hem de cfDNA için hedeflenen bölgeler üzerinde oldukça üniform kapsama alanı sunar.
Fig 1. Improved design cfDNA capture. The optimized design of the OnCT Research Panel v1.0 showed improved coverage uniformity for cfDNA libraries on both Illumina®️ and DNBSEQ™ platforms.
Fig 2. Evaluation of the OnCT Research Panel v1.0 on the analysis of SNVs and indels. DNA libraries were prepared from Onco SNV Multiplex 1-25% gDNA (Genewell, GW-OGTM004) using NadPrep library kits. The enriched libraries were sequenced either on HiSeq X Ten (PE150) or DNBSEQ-G400 (PE100).
Fig 3. Evaluation of the OnCT Research Panel v1.0 on the analysis of structural variations. A. B. Gene amplification. C. SNVs with regions of high or low GC content and long insertion/deletion. The DNA libraries were prepared from Onco Structural Multiplex 5% gDNA (GeneWell, GW- OGTM001) using NadPrep library kits. The libraries were enriched using the OnCT Research Panel v1.0. The enriched libraries were sequenced either on HiSeq X Ten (PE150) or DNBSEQ-G400 (PE100).
Fig 4. Effective coverage over microsatellite markers. The enriched libraries were sequenced on a HiSeq X Ten platform (PE150). Only reads spanning full-length of microsatellite markers were counted as effective reads.
Fig 5. Length distribution of microsatellite site in a sample with microsatellite instability (MSI) for A. BAT-25 and B. NR-27.